Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Letter to Myself, for My Children and Grandchildren

A Letter To Myself To Be Passed Down To Me, From Me, To My Children and Grandchildren.

Dear Self,

This is something you need to read and understand before you decide to grow up, waste a lot of time being unhappy and make the same mistakes I have made.

I know how stubborn you can be at times but at least hear me out before you fold this paper in half, stuff it in a drawer and find it faded away many years from now and wonder why you never finished reading it.

You have big, wonderful dreams for yourself! Don’t ever let go of them for someone else’s dreams, successes, and happiness. Supporting someone while they support their dreams is a great thing but don’t spend so much effort helping them with their dreams that you forget about your own dreams and put them on the back burner. In other words, don’t let someone else’s successes be the product of your own failures!

Don't take yourself too seriously, eventually your views and opinions will change.  Have fun! Even if you look like an idiot, as long as you’re having fun and not hurting anyone, what does it matter what you look like to everyone else? That just means they aren’t having any fun and would love to be you instead of their own self, so strive to be no one else but yourself because everyone else is taken!

Keep in mind the having fun part; the most memorable moments in your life are the ones that happen from spontaneity. Do everything you have an opportunity to do for any reason you feel that you should, if you don’t, you will always wonder ‘what if I would have’ and ‘why didn’t I' and that is no fun at all!

Learn to trust your intuition; it is most usually more right than you could ever guess!  No matter what, self, always go with your gut feelings, because no one else understands you and your own way of thinking better than you, don't listen to people that you think are wrong and don’t let them persuade you that you need to change the way you think or feel.

No one else but you have any clue of who you are, who you want to be or what your limitations are, you can always tell someone but their ideas and yours will be different no matter what, never change who you are. You are much, much more than what any one person can see.

Trust your instincts, follow your dreams, do what it takes to make you happy. Feel free to change jobs, take extra classes if and when you feel the need to. Take up those dance classes, the art classes, karate and join the gym when you start to feel like it is something you love to do and make a promise to yourself that you’ll do whatever you can do to make and keep yourself healthy and happy.

Forgive yourself and others. Love yourself unconditionally. Love every important person in your life like there is no tomorrow because for some people, there will be no tomorrow. 

Love Ya, 

Forever and Always,


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